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Friday, 25 October 2013

Rules Of Dukan Diet To Reduce Weight

Total time of the Dukan diet is not recommended to use alcohol and drugs for weight loss, as they drain the body. To secure each day diet recommended little exercise, enough half-hour walk or 10 minutes of running. Dr. Dukan offers to its patients to distinguish between diets into 4 phases.

The first two are designed for weight loss and fat reduction, and the two subsequent to the secured position of the result. It should prepare for this diet and cook in your refrigerator certain products. Better to get rid of the rest, so as not to be tempted off the diet and not to violate its course.

Meat should buy beef and poultry then the fish and seafood, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, cheeses suitable only tofu. This is just the basic products from which you can cook a variety of dishes. For example, to prepare home-made cheese, 2 eggs and need to pack low-fat cottage cheese. All this is necessary to mix and put on the fire, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens to wait and then chill in the refrigerator is what happened.

After preparation of a cheese can be eaten with oat bread, for breakfast you can prepare light omelet low-fat milk and two eggs. Chicken or beef can be cooked or baked in the oven with garlic, onions and spices. Salt is put on the spot.

To read further about fat loss, please visit this website

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